Spice up the porridge

Maize porridge (Fermented) is usually one of the first foods Ghanaian babies are introduced to. I didn’t want to give it to my baby initially because of the fermentation but I eventually did and guess what? She loves it! It is actually one of her favorites.

Every time I make it, I think it needs something more so I did a bit of research on how to spice it up. I didn’t get a lot of answers (because you won’t find kooko recipes on the internet) but I’ll share the few I got with you.

Cinnamon– Yes, literally spice it up. Add a bit of cinnamon powder to your baby’s porridge to add a bit of flavor. I’ve also realized that cinnamon thickens up the porridge.
Cinnamon, most importantly is loaded with lots of disease fighting antioxidants (read more about it here). Sprinkle a little in the porridge after it is cooked.

Eggs– I got this from a woman at church, tried it, and it worked. When your porridge is cooked, whiles still on fire, beat one egg and stir into the porridge until the egg and cooked and mixed in well. Egg is super nutritious! read about it here.

Groundnut Paste– Nuts are another powerful source of protein, unsaturated fats, omega 3 and so on. check out my post on 9 super foods for babies. Add a teaspoon of groundnut paste to your baby’s ready to eat porridge.

So this is what I’ve gathered so far. I’ll add more when I get more information.


  1. Salomey Boakye says:

    You can equally add fish powder to the porridge to make it more nutritious

    1. That’s very true Salomey. Fish can also be mixed with porridge to make it more nutritious your baby

  2. mumydee says:

    Do u hv to boil the egg before adding to the porridge??

    1. hello mumydee! No, you just need to whisk the egg and add it to the porridge whilst it is still on fire. Then stir it into the porridge. It will cook wile being stirred.

  3. Kukua Abban says:

    You can add fish powder to spice up porridge as well

    1. vary true! thank you Kukua.

  4. Ewuraessi says:

    Woow never knew u can add grdnut paste to maize porridge

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